
12 July 2022

DWP website for families of underpaid pensioners “long overdue”

The Department for Work and Pensions has launched a dedicated website page to help families of those who have died but were underpaid their state pension.

The page, which went live on July 8, allows next of kin to request more information if they think a family member who has died is still owed a portion of their pension.

The government department said this could help families of those who were married, divorced or widowed when they died, or those aged 80 or over when they died, and who did not get the automatic increase in their pension that they were entitled to.

In its latest report, DWP estimates it has underpaid 237,000 state pensioners a total of £1.46bn, with underpayments dating as far back as 1985.

More information, visit the FT site.


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