Meet the HQ team

The CSPA headquarters are in Croydon, South London and staffed by a small but dynamic team. We work hard to make sure that CSPA achieves its aims for a better retirement for its members. 

HQ staff deal with campaigning and publicity matters, membership applications, enquiries on member benefits, civil service pension and general issues of concern to our members.

If we are not able to directly deal with an issue or answer a question, then there is a good chance that we can direct you to someone who can.

Lisa Ray

General Secretary

David Luxton

Deputy General Secretary

Nicola Crichton

Policy, Campaigns & Projects Manager

Christine Buckley

Editor of the Pensioner

Christine Haswell

Pensions Officer

Mike Sparham


Marion McAuliffe

Office Manager

Sally Tsoukaris

Deputy Office Manager and Assistant to the General Secretary

Sandra Roberts

Membership Administration

Doreen Parkinson

Minutes Secretary